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Spring Into Better Health - Spring Cleanse Workshop


...Get Ready For A Season Of Change...


A unique approach to a holistic cleanse program


Are you ready to take the next step towards renewed energy and better health?   


During the 4 week cleanse program you will:  


- Learn how to recognize the impact food has on your body from the inside out

- Recognize and conquer your food triggers, cravings and self-defeating behaviors

- Be able to identify what foods trigger inflammation and what foods decrease it

- Learn daily self-care practices that will clear your mind and improve your mood

- Lose weight naturally


This program will include:


- 30 minute health consult before the cleanse starts

- A 60 page step by step cleanse document

- 4 face to face group sessions

- Unlimited email support

- 50+ food recipes

- Juice recipes

- Smoothie recipes

- Essential oils

- Acupuncture for food cravings - Optional

- Support from a community of like -minded people on the same path as you

- Food samples



Cleanse begins on Thursday April 23, 2015 and meets on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14


Early Registration Fee: $325


Sign up today - early registration ends April 20th! 


Registration After April 20th: $375


To sign up click HERE



Any questions call 301-502-1180 or send email to 



A little about the presenter:


Frandi Mars LCSW-C, INHC, Family Herbalist

Licensed Certified Social Worker specializing in Clinical Practice 

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Family Herbalist 

Member, Association of Drugless Practioners

Doctoral Student at University of Natural Medicine 


Would you like to learn more about me?  Click HERE

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